In a world of high-tech espionage, there is a lot of information that needs safeguarding. Whether it is customer account numbers and personal information, trade secrets or governmental data, audio espionage is an increasing danger to the world of information.
Thermolite’s Window System is a patented technology that provides signal defense–blocking audio transmissions. Organizations that need to properly secure locations handling sensitive and/or classified information should consider adding some kind of signal defense capabilities to the Thermolite Window System. A single event of information theft could devastate a business, and we have a solution ready to protect.
Laminated glass with patented technology can be placed on the interior of your building, which will protect any kind of information from theft coming from your company’s cell phones, routers or even audio espionage through the glass itself. We can provide an interior system to comply with uS DoD policy, infrared and radio frequency emanation Standard, intelligence Community Directive 705.2, Certified TempeST Technical authority (CTTa) specifications.