
Date:August 02, 2016

Historical Buildings

Historic buildings often evoke a strong sense of nostalgia with a community or organization, but the old windows in the buildings can be a major source of energy loss that keeps utility bills high. However, replacement windows are not always an option–there is the cost of the windows to the loss of architectural integrity to not qualifying for potential historic tax credits to consider. Installing the Thermolite Window system is easy, allows the existing historical windows to remain will maintain the beauty and character of your historic building.

Key features and benefits of this system include:

  • Significant ROI on energy costs
  • Enhanced Blast and Signal Defense security options
  • Maintains the historical integrity of the building
  • Significant noise reduction
  • Sound transmission control (STC) rating of 49 is possible
  • Installs quickly on the inside of your installation’s buildings (draws no attention the exterior of the building)
  • Off hours installation possible


Thermolite Sidney Yates
Sidney Yates Federal Building